

GitHub - nolankucd/Xfoil-for-Mac: This is a fork of the venerable Xfoil with tweaks to allow installation on MacOS 11.
xcode - GFortran error: ld: library not found for -lSystem when trying to compile - Stack Overflow

export SDKROOT=$(xcrun --sdk macosx --show-sdk-path)


$ cd Xfoil-for-Mac/runs
$ ../bin/xfoil
  XFOIL Version 6.99
  Copyright (C) 2000   Mark Drela, Harold Youngren

  This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY,
    subject to the GNU General Public License.

  Caveat computor

 File  xfoil.def  not found

   QUIT    Exit program

  .OPER    Direct operating point(s)
  .MDES    Complex mapping design routine
  .QDES    Surface speed design routine
  .GDES    Geometry design routine

   SAVE f  Write airfoil to labeled coordinate file
   PSAV f  Write airfoil to plain coordinate file
   ISAV f  Write airfoil to ISES coordinate file
   MSAV f  Write airfoil to MSES coordinate file
   REVE    Reverse written-airfoil node ordering
   DELI i  Change written-airfoil file delimiters

   LOAD f  Read buffer airfoil from coordinate file
   NACA i  Set NACA 4,5-digit airfoil and buffer airfoil
   INTE    Set buffer airfoil by interpolating two airfoils
   NORM    Buffer airfoil normalization toggle
   HALF    Halve the number of points in buffer airfoil
   XYCM rr Change CM reference location, currently  0.25000 0.00000

   BEND    Display structural properties of current airfoil

   PCOP    Set current-airfoil panel nodes directly from buffer airfoil points
   PANE    Set current-airfoil panel nodes ( 160 ) based on curvature
  .PPAR    Show/change paneling

  .PLOP    Plotting options

   WDEF f  Write  current-settings file
   RDEF f  Reread current-settings file
   NAME s  Specify new airfoil name
   NINC    Increment name version number

   Z       Zoom    | (available in all menus)
   U       Unzoom  |

 XFOIL   c>  naca 0012
 Max thickness =     0.120032  at x =   0.297
 Max camber    =    -0.000000  at x =   0.015

 Buffer airfoil set using 245 points

 Blunt trailing edge.  Gap =  0.00252

 Paneling parameters used...
   Number of panel nodes       160
   Panel bunching parameter    1.000
   TE/LE panel density ratio   0.150
   Refined-area/LE panel density ratio    0.200
   Top    side refined area x/c limits  1.000 1.000
   Bottom side refined area x/c limits  1.000 1.000

 XFOIL   c>  oper

.OPERi   c>  alfa N

Enter angle of attack (deg)   r>  5
 Calculating unit vorticity distributions ...


fortran - Error: Rank mismatch in argument (rank-1 and scalar) - Stack Overflow

 $ gfortran -fallow-argument-mismatch panair.f90 -o panair