

clear; close all; %%%%%%%%%% Time domain %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% T=1; N=128; w1 = []; for n=0:N-1 w1(n+1) = 1; end plot(1:N,w1,'DisplayName','Rectangular'); hold on; %Hamming window w3 = []; for n=0:N-1 w3(n+1) = 0.54-0.46*cos(2*n*pi/(N-1)); end …




field-delineationを動かしたい github.comeolearnのdockerを起動 docker pull sentinelhub/eolearn:latest docker run -p 8888:8888 sentinelhub/eolearn:latesteolearnが動かなかったので一度アンインストール github.com pip list | grep 'eo-learn-' | a…


リファレンスとなる理想アナログフィルタの伝達関数Gを定義 →理想アナログフィルタを逆フーリエ変換して理想アナログフィルタの時系列信号g(t)が求まる →欲しいディジタルフィルタHのインパルス応答hkが求まる(hk=T•g(kT)の関係式より) →hkとZ変換の関係式…


clear; close all; wc = pi/8; T = 1; N=61; l = (N-1)/2; ks = 1:N; h1 = []; h2 = []; h3 = []; h4 = []; w0 = pi/2; for kprime = ks k = kprime-1; hk1 = wc*T/pi*sin((k-l)*wc*T)/(k-l)/wc/T; h1(end+1) = hk1; hk2 = -wc*T/pi*sin((k-l)*wc*T)/(k-l)/w…


テネシー大学のQiusheng Wu が開発したインタラクティブなGIS環境 streamlit-geospatial github.comGoogle Earth Engine (GEE)のフロントエンドとも言える使い方 $ streamlit run app.py


clear; close all; syms w; chebyshev = @(c1,c0) 2*w*c1 - c0; c0 = 1; c1 = w; cs = [c0 c1]; for n=2:10 cn_prev = cs(n-1); cn = cs(n); cn_next = chebyshev(cn, cn_prev); cs(end+1) = cn_next; end n = 5; xis = [0.1 0.5 1.0]; for idx=1:length(xis…


clear; close all; s = tf('s'); syms w; xis = [0.1 0.5 1.0]; n = 5; for idx=1:length(xis) xi = xis(idx); e = sqrt(10.^(xi/10)-1); tmp = sqrt(1+e^(-2))+e^(-1); sinhv = 1/2*(tmp^(1/n)-tmp^(-1/n)); coshv = 1/2*(tmp^(1/n)+tmp^(-1/n)); H_gain = …


clear; close all; s = tf('s'); Ns = [5,8,10]; syms w; for idx = 1:length(Ns) n = Ns(idx); D = 1; H_gain = 1; H_phi = 0; for jdx=1:n j = jdx; sigma_j = -sin((2*j-1)/(2*n)*pi); omega_j = cos((2*j-1)/(2*n)*pi); sj = sigma_j + i*omega_j; D = D…


clear; close all; s = tf('s'); Ns = 1:8; for idx = 1:length(Ns) n = Ns(idx); D = 1; for jdx=1:n j = jdx; sigma_j = -sin((2*j-1)/(2*n)*pi); omega_j = cos((2*j-1)/(2*n)*pi); sj = sigma_j + i*omega_j; D = D*(s-sj); end H = 1/D; subplot(4,2,n)…


clear; close all; s = tf('s'); xi = 0.1; e = sqrt(10.^(xi/10)-1); tmp = sqrt(1+e^(-2))+e^(-1); theta = 0:0.1:2*pi; x = cos(theta); y = sin(theta); for n=1:9 D = 1; for k=1:n sinhv = 1/2*(tmp^(1/n)-tmp^(-1/n)); coshv = 1/2*(tmp^(1/n)+tmp^(-…


ξ=0.5dB, 1≤n≤9 clear; close all; s = tf('s'); xi = 0.1; e = sqrt(10.^(xi/10)-1); tmp = sqrt(1+e^(-2))+e^(-1); theta = 0:0.1:2*pi; x = cos(theta); y = sin(theta); for n=1:9 D = 1; for k=1:n sinhv = 1/2*(tmp^(1/n)-tmp^(-1/n)); coshv = 1/2*(t…


ξ=0.5d, 1≤n≤9 clear; close all; s = tf('s'); xi = 0.1; e = sqrt(10.^(xi/10)-1); tmp = sqrt(1+e^(-2))+e^(-1); theta = 0:0.1:2*pi; x = cos(theta); y = sin(theta); for n=1:9 D = 1; for k=1:n sinhv = 1/2*(tmp^(1/n)-tmp^(-1/n)); coshv = 1/2*(tm…


修正したlittlebirdy /usr/local/bin/littlebirdy #!/bin/bash set -e # Copyright (c) 2012 Jake Petroules. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that …


clear; close all; s = tf('s'); xis = [0.1 0.5 1]; es = sqrt(10.^(xis/10)-1); e = es(1); tmp = sqrt(1+e^(-2))+e^(-1); for n = 1:10 D = 1; for k=1:n sinhv = 1/2*(tmp^(1/n)-tmp^(-1/n)); coshv = 1/2*(tmp^(1/n)+tmp^(-1/n)); sigma_k = -sin((2*k-…


clear; close all; syms w; chebyshev = @(c1,c0) 2*w*c1 - c0; c0 = 1; c1 = w; cs = [c0 c1]; for n=2:10 cn_prev = cs(n-1); cn = cs(n); cn_next = chebyshev(cn, cn_prev); cs(end+1) = cn_next; end figure(); hold on; for n=1:4 cnw = cs(n+1); x = …


clear; close all; s = tf('s'); Ns = 1:9; for idx = 1:length(Ns) n = Ns(idx); D = 1; for jdx=1:n j = jdx; sigma_j = -sin((2*j-1)/(2*n)*pi); omega_j = cos((2*j-1)/(2*n)*pi); sj = sigma_j + i*omega_j; D = D*(s-sj); end coef(D) end function n …