
He, Linwei, Matthew Gilbert, and Xingyi Song. "A Python script for adaptive layout optimization of trusses." Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 60.2 (2019): 835-847.

from math import gcd, ceil
import itertools
from scipy import sparse
import numpy as np
import cvxpy as cvx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from shapely.geometry import Point, LineString, Polygon
#Calculate equilibrium matrix B
def calcB(Nd, Cn, dof):
    m, n1, n2 = len(Cn), Cn[:,0].astype(int), Cn[:,1].astype(int)
    l, X, Y = Cn[:,2], Nd[n2,0]-Nd[n1,0], Nd[n2,1]-Nd[n1,1]
    d0, d1, d2, d3 = dof[n1*2], dof[n1*2+1], dof[n2*2], dof[n2*2+1]
    s = np.concatenate((-X/l * d0, -Y/l * d1, X/l * d2, Y/l * d3))
    r = np.concatenate((n1*2, n1*2+1, n2*2, n2*2+1))
    c = np.concatenate((np.arange(m), np.arange(m), np.arange(m), np.arange(m)))
    return sparse.coo_matrix((s, (r, c)), shape = (len(Nd)*2, m))
#Solve linear programming problem
def solveLP(Nd, Cn, f, dof, st, sc, jc):
    l = [col[2] + jc for col in Cn]
    B = calcB(Nd, Cn, dof)
    a = cvx.Variable(len(Cn))
    obj = cvx.Minimize(np.transpose(l) * a)
    q, eqn, cons= [],  [], [a>=0]
    for k, fk in enumerate(f):
        eqn.append(B * q[k] == fk * dof)
        cons.extend([eqn[k], q[k] >= -sc * a, q[k] <= st * a])
    prob = cvx.Problem(obj, cons)
    vol = prob.solve()
    q = [np.array(qi.value).flatten() for qi in q]
    a = np.array(a.value).flatten()
    u = [-np.array(eqnk.dual_value).flatten() for eqnk in eqn]
    return vol, a, q, u
#Check dual violation
def stopViolation(Nd, PML, dof, st, sc, u, jc):
    lst = np.where(PML[:,3]==False)[0]
    Cn = PML[lst]
    l = Cn[:,2] + jc
    B = calcB(Nd, Cn, dof).tocsc()
    y = np.zeros(len(Cn))
    for uk in u:
        yk = np.multiply(B.transpose().dot(uk) / l, np.array([[st], [-sc]]))
        y += np.amax(yk, axis=0)
    vioCn = np.where(y>1.0001)[0]
    vioSort = np.flipud(np.argsort(y[vioCn]))
    num = ceil(min(len(vioSort), 0.05*max( [len(Cn)*0.05, len(vioSort)])))
    for i in range(num): 
        PML[lst[vioCn[vioSort[i]]]][3] = True
    return num == 0
#Visualize truss
def plotTruss(Nd, Cn, a, q, threshold, str, update = True):
    plt.ion() if update else plt.ioff()
    plt.clf(); plt.axis('off'); plt.axis('equal');  plt.draw()
    tk = 5 / max(a)
    for i in [i for i in range(len(a)) if a[i] >= threshold]:
        if all([q[lc][i]>=0 for lc in range(len(q))]): c = 'r'
        elif all([q[lc][i]<=0 for lc in range(len(q))]): c = 'b'
        else: c = 'tab:gray'
        pos = Nd[Cn[i, [0, 1]].astype(int), :]
        plt.plot(pos[:, 0], pos[:, 1], c, linewidth = a[i] * tk)
    plt.pause(0.01) if update else plt.show()
#Main function 
def trussopt(width, height, st, sc, jc):
    poly = Polygon([(0, 0), (width, 0), (width, height), (0, height)])
    convex = True if poly.convex_hull.area == poly.area else False
    xv, yv = np.meshgrid(range(width+1), range(height+1))
    pts = [Point(xv.flat[i], yv.flat[i]) for i in range(xv.size)]
    Nd = np.array([[pt.x, pt.y] for pt in pts if poly.intersects(pt)])
    dof, f, PML = np.ones((len(Nd),2)), [], []
    #Load and support conditions
    for i, nd in enumerate(Nd):
        if nd[0] == 0: dof[i,:] = [0, 0] 
        f += [0, -1] if (nd == [width, height/2]).all() else [0, 0]
    #Create the 'ground structure'
    for i, j in itertools.combinations(range(len(Nd)), 2):
        dx, dy = abs(Nd[i][0] - Nd[j][0]), abs(Nd[i][1] - Nd[j][1])
        if gcd(int(dx), int(dy)) == 1 or jc != 0:
            seg = [] if convex else LineString([Nd[i], Nd[j]])
            if convex or poly.contains(seg) or poly.boundary.contains(seg):
                PML.append( [i, j, np.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2), False] )
    PML, dof = np.array(PML), np.array(dof).flatten()
    f = [f[i:i+len(Nd)*2] for i in range(0, len(f), len(Nd)*2)]
    print('Nodes: %d Members: %d' % (len(Nd), len(PML)))
    for pm in [p for p in PML if p[2] <= 1.42]: 
        pm[3] = True
    #Start the 'member adding' loop
    for itr in range(1, 100):
        Cn = PML[PML[:,3] == True]
        vol, a, q, u = solveLP(Nd, Cn, f, dof, st, sc, jc)
        print("Itr: %d, vol: %f, mems: %d" % (itr, vol, len(Cn)))
        plotTruss(Nd, Cn, a, q, max(a) * 1e-3, "Itr:" + str(itr))
        if stopViolation(Nd, PML, dof, st, sc, u, jc): break
    print("Volume: %f" % (vol)) 
    plotTruss(Nd, Cn, a, q, max(a) * 1e-3, "Finished", False)
#Execution function when called directly by Python
if __name__ =='__main__': 
    trussopt(width = 20, height = 10, st = 1, sc =1, jc = 0)
# This Python script was written by L. He, M. Gilbert, X. Song           #
# University of Sheffield, United Kingdom                                #
# Please send comments to: linwei.he@sheffield.ac.uk                     #
# The script is intended for educational purposes - theoretical details  #
# are discussed in the following paper, which should be cited in any     #
# derivative works or technical papers which use the script:             #
#                                                                        #
# "A Python script for adaptive layout optimization of trusses",         #
# L. He, M. Gilbert, X. Song, Struct. Multidisc. Optim., 2019            #
#                                                                        #
# Disclaimer:                                                            #
# The authors reserve all rights but do not guarantee that the script is #
# free from errors. Furthermore, the authors are not liable for any      #
# issues caused by the use of the program.                               #
